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The main theme of the Training Course sponsored by European Commission under programme Youth in Action “I am Roma, So what“ is the use of creative non-violent methods (music and video art) in combating discrimination and social exclusion of Roma youth, and promoting solidarity and equality of all people, regardless of their national, cultural, ethnic, religious, sexual, gender, or other differences.

The main goal of our training course is to offer the participants an opportunity to get actively involved in fighting discrimination and social exclusion of Roma people, through creative methods and activities involving music and video production. During the course, using non-formal ways of learning, participants will create a product – by writing lyrics in their different languages for an original song created for this purpose, recording their own voices, and recording a music video – in order to send out the message of tolerance, equality, non-discrimination and solidarity among different nations and cultures. The product – song and video – will be distributed after the training course in all participating countries, therefore spreading out that important message.

Period of realization: From 23th to 29th August, 2013.

Location: Sombor, Serbia

The main topics of the training:

  • Youth in Action Programme advocacy
  • Promotion of voluntarism and inclusion
  • Creative making songs and video
  • Social Inclusion theory
  • Fighting Discrimination

Partners: 10 countries

Serbia, Turkey, Montenegro, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Macedonia, Malta, Romania and Portugal

See a photo gallery:

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